15 Inspiring Quotations from Pakistani Entrepreneur, Farhan Masood


Farhan Masood 15 Inspiring Quotations

Farhan Masood 15 Inspiring Quotations

Farhan Masood is a Pakistani national and is a self-taught technology inventor. He has received local (5) and international (34) awards for all his achievements. He was labelled as one of the most brilliant minds in the world by MITEF. Moreover, he was also the winner of MIT Enterprise Forum BAP 2012. Besides being a familiar technologist, Farhan is also known for his humanitarian activities. US Department of State also recognized him as one of the most influential thought leaders on Twitter in 2013. Farhan is also the Founder and CTO of SoloInsight Inc, a company that provides technology solutions using an identification platform of integrated software and sensors to help customers manage critical resources.

Farhan worked as an Advisor to the Ministry and Interior of Narcotics. Moreover, he also rendered his services for Ministry of Science and Technology in Pakistan. He also worked directly for the Sheikh of Dubai as a Director in a whopping $196 million Dubai E-Government project. He became a prominent figure when Voice of America discovered him as the originator of Arabic, Persian and Urdu language on the internet in 1997.

The prodigy always had the love for gadgets and technology from the early age. In the past 16 years, he has developed and shaped number of interesting technologies around accurate identification and recognition. His company’s latest proprietary technology is known as ‘CloudGate’. It is a recognition engine that unifies time and attendance, access control and safety. Besides, Farhan has also developed patent pending technology and is the trendsetter in the field of internet of people.

As far as Pakistan is concerned, he simply adores his country and is a strong believer and supporter of a movement that is known as Pakistan Go-Green. It was the subject of a digital revolution case study at the Cambridge University. His patriotic movement has over 1.5 million likes on the social media platform of Facebook. He serves as a collective body of active citizens which helps in arranging blood donations, raising funds and volunteering activities for community service.

Talented Farhan Masood was able to secure the attention of many VCs and angel investors after winning the MIT Enterprise Forum BAP competition. Subsequently, it proved to be significant in the formation of SoloInsight Inc.

Below are some of his best quotes:

1. I have this thing with “fortune tellers” that surround me… they tell me what exactly is impossible for me to achieve, and I beat them to death every time… I don’t accept defeat coz I never give up… so should you… Don’t believe in your naysayers… Believe in your God and Believe in yourself.

2. The more I complain, the harder my problem… The more I thank, the lighter my problem.

3. Surround yourself with self-motivated go getters, read and believe the success stories, stay a mile away from negative people, negative arguments and negative news.

4. Focus on your dreams, work hard, get there, never give up… You can watch the TV later.

5. We need more success stories… Be one… Will you?

6. Entrepreneurs dont take a day off even though they become Entrepreneurs.

7. It’s really funny when people think I got most of the things in my life because I was lucky. Little much they know but the things they usually get on their very first attempt, I never got at first, second, third or even at my forth attempt… Usually I get things at my 18th, 26th and even 52nd attempt.

What’s different here is that I have never given up in my life on anything and I may have achieved my goals too late but I have eventually achieved them. I keep trying but do not repeat the same way. Furthermore, I always try to make an improved, well thought and pivoted next attempt.

I have achieved many times with grace of Allah and with my parents prayers, You can do the same… Never lose patience… Never give up… It’s never too late.

8. I always try to motivate you by making sure that you understand to go after your dreams and don’t let anyone tell you you can’t. If you are motivated enough and put the work in that, you can achieve anything in life that you set your mind to….

The key is to never give up! and the lock is to just day dream and never come out of your comfort zone…. so what are you waiting for? Get up, and give some serious yet honest effort…. Open the Lock, will you?

9. It’s our own anxiety that causes delays in achieving our goals… Just relax and believe it will surely happen and it will!

10. There are many people who will be standing between you and your dream. At least don’t let yourself be one of those people.

11. Effort is a must, God does not even feed the birds in their nests until they leave and make an effort in search of it. So don’t expect a miracle out of a supplication … if you are not making necessary effort.

12. I was a born pessimist. Life taught me negativity causes only damage and more negativity while positivity brings fortune and more positivity in life.

Whenever I feel negative I think and share positivity and I get out of negative cycle instantly. When i can’t think of anything positive I go and run on a treadmill as sweating your body helps trigger all positive thoughts. When I used to think negative in the past I used to stay in negativity loop forever.

I tried and tested this logic over the years and I always practice what I preach. No I am no genius, It is simple science and psychology around brainwaves, exercise and how human emotions works. Choice is always ours for which we usually blame our fate.

Think and share what is positive and you are destined to rock the world… Remember you only fail when u give up !!!

13. I believe in making the iron hot by striking it… Life does not wait so should we not…

14. Rejection is a nasty experience and no one likes to face it… but if you learn to give a damn about it, you will come out as a winner !!

There are not many guarantees in your life, but one of them is that you are going to get kicked like a soccer ball and rejected more times than you could ever hope to imagine. If you’re an entrepreneur, then triple that number and multiply it by three…

But… rejection only takes hold of you when you pay attention to it or view a no as being rejected. In reality, when someone tells you no, what they’re saying is that they have an alternative plan, and they view the situation differently than you…

Part of the reason we get rejected is because we don’t have the confidence to deliver our unique ask. No one is going to say yes to a request you ask of them if you don’t believe in what you’re proposing. When you stand tall and deliver your request with passion, confidence and determination, the universe conspires to find a way to make your dream come true…

Your life is just one huge sales negotiation made up of hundreds of attempts. For you to be a millionaire, you don’t need everyone to say yes. In fact, out of a thousand attempts, all it takes is one to change your life…

To play the game of life and win, what you need to do is figure out how you can experience rejection without letting it cripple your confidence. Could you learn to ask for things and then teach yourself not to care what the answer is? Of course you can…

Remember you only fail when u give up!!! Don’t give up… will u?

15. Entrepreneur = a person who works 16 plus hours/day for himself just so he doesn’t have to work 8 minus hours/day for someone else.

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